Thursday 13 October 2011

You Can Foster

The lack of foster carers in the North West of England is a real issue. There are many children who need a home, but the number of foster carers is on the decline. Creative Concern developed the You Can Foster campaign for an alliance of North West Local Authorities’ foster care providers to tackle this shortfall and inspire potential foster carers to come forward.

The campaign aimed to dispel many of the myths around foster caring and to showcase the diversity among foster carers and how they make a real difference to a child’s life. It has a warm and friendly tone, using real people and their own words to convey why others should foster. You Can Foster launched with TV, radio and outdoor advertising and featured foster carers from a diverse range of backgrounds and lifestyles. It was backed up by a website, social media and traditional media relations.

Since its launch in 2010, over 3000 people in the North West have enquired about becoming local authority foster carers through the You Can Foster campaign – far exceeding the targets set for the regional campaign. The campaign has been so successful that it has already become a model of best practice nationally. You can find out more about the campaign at

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