Wednesday 7 March 2012

Tous Candidats 2012. Everyone can be a candidate.

2012 is a presidential election year here in France. Polls, economic figures,(under-the-belt) comments and sexual scandals have occupied the front pages and headlines for the last 6 months. The usual stuff.

The current economic stress has significantly pushed the subjects of sustainable development, ecology and “well-being” out of the media and mainstream political frame.
This is why the French NGO Colibris (represented by the charismatic philosopher-thinker-farmer Pierre Rabhi) has launched the campaign “Tous Candidats 2012”: a simple idea of enabling people to express their ambition of living in a more human and eco-friendly world.


Sidiese has developed for Colibris a website ( where people can upload a photo and write a slogan in order to easily create their own presidential poster.
A mosaic of all the candidates has been developed on the website and several tools have been created to make the campaign viral and create as much buzz as possible. The objective of this campaign is to remind the media and the political world that people care about these topics and that change is needed.

A modern and dynamic campaign for a noble cause.

Highly popular (more than 20,000 posters have been published), Tous candidates 2012 encourages the thousands of candidates to cover the walls of their hometowns with the newly created posters (on the 31st of March) as part of the "InsideOut Project".

No need to be French to support this campaign. Feel free to stick your future poster in hometown Oldham or Oberhausen.

Agence Sidièse

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